Available courses
Students should embark on work that will lead to substantial software development under
the supervision of a member of staff.
Special Topics in Computer Science
Special topics from any area of computer science considered relevant at given time. Topics
are expected to change from year to year. Apart from seminars to be given by lecturers and guests, students are expected to do substantial readings on their own.
Computer Simulations
Basic Definitions and Uses, Simulation Process, Some basic statistic Distributions Theory,
Model and Simulation. Queues; Basic components, Kendal notation, Queuing rules, Little’s Law, Queuing networks, Special/types of queues. Stochastic Processes; Discrete state and continuous state processes, Markov processes, Birth-Death Processes, Poisson Processes. Random Numbers; types of Random Number Exercises.
Formal Models of Computation
Automata theory: Roles of models in computation. Finite state Automata, Push-down
Automata, Formal Grammars, Parsing, Relative powers of formal models. Basiccomputability: Turing machines, Universal Turing Machines, Church’s thesis, solvability and Decidability.
Human-Computer Interface (HCI)
Foundations of HCI, Principles of GUI, GUI toolkits; Human-centred software evaluation and development; GUI design and programming.
Computer Graphics and Visualization
graphical input aids Facsimile and its problems Refresh display refresh huggers, changing images, light pen interaction. Two and three dimensional transformation, perspective Clipping algorithms. Hidden line removal bolded surface removal. Warnock method/ algorithm, shading, data reduction for graphical input. Introduction to had writing and character recognition. Curve synthesis and fitting. Contouring. Ring structures versus doubly link
Distributed Computing Systems
Introduction: Definitions, Motivation; Communication Mechanisms: Communication
Protocols, RPC, RMI, Stream Oriented Communication; Synchronization: Global State, Election, Distributed Mutual Exclusion, Distributed Transactions; Naming: Generic Schemes, DNS, Naming and Localization; Replication and Coherence: Consistency Models And Protocols; Fault Tolerance: Group Communication, Two-And Three-Phase Commit, Check pointing; Security: Access Control, Key Management, Cryptography; etc
Computer Networks/Communication
Introduction, wares, Fourier analysis, measure of communication, channel characteristics,
transmission media, noise and distortion, modulation and demodulation, multiplexing, TDM FDM and FCM Parallel and serial transmission (synchronous vs asynchronous). Bus structures and loop systems, computer network Examples and design consideration, data switching principles broadcast techniques, network structure for packet switching, protocols, description of network e.g. ARPANET, etc.
Project Management
Team Management, Project Scheduling, Software measurement and estimation techniques,
Risk analysis, Software quality assurance, Software Configuration Management, Project Management tools.
Net-Centric Computing
Distributed Computing, Mobile & Wireless computing, Network Security; Client/Server
Computing (using the web), Building Web Applications.
Compiler Construction II
Grammars and languages, recognizers, Top-down and bottom-up language Run-time
storage Organization, The use of display in run-time storage Organization. The use of display in run time storage allocation. LR grammars and analysers. Construction of LR table. Organisation of symbol tablets. Allocation of storage to run-time variables. Code generation. Optimisation/Translator with systems.
Artificial Intelligence
Introduction to artificial intelligence, understanding natural languages, knowledge
representation, expert systems, pattern recognition, the language LISP.
Computer System Performance Evaluation
Measurement techniques, simulation techniques; techniques, workload characterization,
performance evaluation in selection problems, performance evaluation in design problems, evaluation of programme performance.
Queuing Systems
Birth-death queuing systems; Markovian queues, the queue M/GI bounds, etc.
Special Topics in Software Engineering
Topics from process improvement ; software re-engineering configuration management;
Formal specification, software cost – estimation, Software architecture, Software patterns, Software Reuse and Open source development.
Data Management II
Rational Databases: Mapping conceptual schema to relational Schema; Database Query
Languages (SQL) Concept of Functional dependencies & Multi-Valued dependencies.Transaction processing; Distributed databases.
Text: CJ Date.
Software Engineering
Software Design: Software architecture, Design Patterns, O. O. analysis & Design, Design
for re-use. Using APIS: API programming Class browsers and related tools, Component based computing. Software tools and Environment: Requirements analysis and design modelling Tools, Testing tools, Tool integration mech.
Organization of Programming Languages
Language definition structure. Data types and structures, Review of basic data types,
including lists and tress, control structure and data flow, Run-time consideration, interpretative languages, lexical analysis and parsing. Pre-requisite – CSC 201, 202, 304, 302.
Industrial Training II
Student’s Industrial work experience of 3 months’ duration. Students’ reports will be
presented in a seminar.
Computational Science and Numerical Methods
Operations research, Numerical Computation, Graphical computation, Modelling andsimulation, High performance computation.
Survey of Programming Languages
Overview of programming languages: History of programming languages, Brief survey of
programming paradigms (Procedural languages, Object-oriented languages, Functional languages, Declarative – non-algorithmic languages, Scripting languages), the effects of scale on programming methodology; Language Description:
Activation records and storage management, Type parameters and parameterized types, Modules in programming languages; Object oriented language paradigm; Functional and logic language paradigms.
Systems Analysis and Design
System Concept; System Development Life Cycle
Analysis: Fact gathering Techniques, data flow diagrams, Process description data modelling.
System Design: Structure Charts, form designs, security, automated Tools for design.
Compiler Construction I
Review of compilers assemblers and interpreters, structure and functional aspects of a
typical compiler, syntax semantics and, functional relationship between lexical analysis, expression analysis and code generation. Internal form of course programme. Use of a standard compiler (FORTRAN<COBOL/PL) as a working vehicles. Error detection and recovery. Grammars and Languages: the parsing problem. The scanner.
Computer Architecture and Organization II
Memory system, general; characteristics of memory operation. (Technology-magnetic
recording semi-conductor memory, coupled devices, magnetic bubble). Memory addressing, memory hierarchy, virtual memory control systems. Hardware control, micro programmed control, Asynchronous control, i/c control. Introduction to the methodology of faulty tolerant computing.
Computer Architecture I and Organization I
Fundamental building blocks, logic expressive immunization, sum of product forms.
Register transfer notation, Physical considerations. Data representation, and number bases, Fixed and Floating point systems, representation memory systems organization and architecture.
Algorithms and Complexity Analysis
Basic algorithmic analysis: Asymptotic analysis of Upper and average complexity bounds;
standard Complexity Classes Time and space tradeoffs in algorithms analysis recursive algorithms.
Operating System II
Concurrency: States & State diagrams Structures, Dispatching and Context Switching;
interrupts; Concurrent execution; Mutual exclusion problem and some solutions Deadlock;Producer – Consumer Problems & Synchronization.
Memory Management: Overlays, Swapping and Partitions, Paging & Segmentations Placement & replacement policies, working sets and Trashing, Caching.
Data Management I
Information storage & retrieval, Information management applications, Information
capture and representation, analysis & indexing, search, retrieval, information privacy; integrity, security; scalability, efficiency and effectiveness.
Introduction to database systems: Components of database systems DBMS functions, Database architecture and data independence use of database query language.
Object-Oriented Programming
Basic OOP Concepts: Classes, Objects, inheritance, polymorphism, Data Abstraction,
Tools for developing, Compiling, interpreting and debugging, Java Programs, Java Syntax and data objects, operators. Central flow constructs, objects and classes programming, Arrays, methods. Exceptions, Applets and the Abstract, OLE, Persistence, Window Toolkit, Laboratory exercises in an OOP Language.
Structured Programming
Structured Programming elements, structured design principles, abstraction modularity,
stepwise refinement, structured design techniques. Teaching of a structured programming language etc.
Industrial Training I
Require 3 months of Industrial Training. Students’ experience will be documented and
presented in a Seminar.
Foundations of Sequential Program
The relationships between H/L languages and the Computer Architecture that underlies
their implementation: basic machine architecture, specification and translation of P/L Block Structured Languages, parameter passing mechanisms.
Computer Hardware
Computer circuits; diode arrays, PIAs etc, Integrated circuits fabrication process. Use of
MSI, LSI and VLSI IC’ hardware Design. Primary and Secondary memories; core memory, etc. Magnetic devices; disks, tapes, video disks etc. Peripheral devices; printers, CRT’s, keyboards, character recognition. Operational amplifiers; Analog-to- digital and Digital-to-analog converter
Discrete Structure
Boolean Adjacency matrices. Applications to counting, Discrete Probability Generating Functions, etc
Operating System I
Overview of O/S: Role & Purpose, Functionality Mechanisms to Support Client- server
models, hand-held devices, Design Issues influences of Security,
networking, multimedia, Windows.
O/S Principles: Structuring methods, Abstraction, processes of resources,
Concept of APIS Device organization interrupts.
Fundamentals of Data Structures
Primitive types, Arrays, Records Strings and String processing, Data representation in
memory, Stack and Heap allocation, Queues, TREES. Implementation Strategies for stack, queues, trees. Run time Storage management; Pointers and References, linked structures.
Computer Programming II
Principles of good programming, structured programming concepts, Debugging and
testing, string processing, internal searching and sorting, recursion. Use a programming language different from that in CSC 201. E.g. C-Language
Computer Programming I
Introduction to problem solving methods and algorithm development, designing, coding, debugging and documenting programmes using techniques of a good programming language style, programming language and programming algorithm development. A widely used programming language should be used in teaching the above.
Introduction to Problem Solving
Role of Algorithms in problem solving process, concepts and properties of Algorithms. Implementation strategies, Development of Flow Charts, Pseudo Codes. Program objects. Implementation of Algorithms in a programming Language - Visual BASIC/JAVA/C/C++
Introduction to Computer Science
Survey of computers and information processing and their roles in society. This course introduces a historical perspective of computing, hardware, software, information systems,
and human resources and explores their integration and application in business and other segments of society. Students will be required to complete lab assignments using the PC’s operating system, and several commonly used applications, such as word processors, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics and other applications. Internet and on-line resources, browsers and search engines.
Industrial Microbiology
Classification of microbial products by use. Relationship between primary and secondary metabolism; characteristics, sources and strain improvement of industrial microorganisms. Microbial growth and product formation in industrial processes; media for industrial fermentations. Foaming, Major products of Industrial Microbiology: enzyme production and immobilization; production of vitamins, amino acids, antibiotics, organic acids, beer and wine
Microbial Genetics
Principles of genetic analysis. Plasmids and transposable genetic elements, mutagenesis
and DNA repairs, bacteriophages genetics and genetics of Nitrogen fixation. Mechanism and nature of mutation, induction, isolation and characterization of mutants. Genetic recombination in prokaryotes including transformation, transduction, phage conversion and conjugation.
Pathogenic Microbiology
Study of some microbial pathogens of plants and animals with emphasis on those prevalent
in Nigeria. The geographical distribution, isolation, identification, morphology, life cycle, source of infection, transmission and the host. Ecology, clinical manifestations of specific bacterial, viral and fungal pathogens of man.
Principles of Epidemiology & Public Health Microbiology
Statistical applications to epidemiology. Nature of epidemiological investigations.
Spectrum of infections. Herd immunity. Latency of infections. Multifactorial systems in epidemics. Zoonoses. Antigenic drifts. Biological products for immunization. Schedules for International control of infectious diseases.
Advanced Food Microbiology
Advanced ecology, taxonomy, biochemistry and analytical technology of bacteria, yeasts,
fungi and viruses associated with food spoilage, food-borne diseases and fermentations. Emphasis on new developments in Food Microbiology; economic consequences of microorganisms in food; exploitation of micro-organisms in novel processes for the production of food ingredients.
Pharmaceutical Microbiology
Concepts of growth and death in micro-organisms. The chemistry of synthetic
chemotherapeutic agents and antibiotics. Production and synthesis of antibiotics and antiseptics. Relationship of antimicrobial agents to different microbial groups: Gram positives, Gram negatives, spore-formers etc . The mode of action and assay of antibiotics and antiseptics. Sensitivity and resistance as related to microbial physiology. Microbiological quality control in the Pharmaceutical industry.
Essays in Microbiology
Detailed literature search followed by presentation at a departmental Seminar of a scientific
topic, which must be of microbiological or biotechnological interest.
Industrial Attachment II
Students will be posted to industrial establishments such as food processing, brewing,
distillery, pharmaceutical; research institutes or medical and health institutions. A report to
be submitted for grading.
Principles of microbial deterioration of materials. Materials subject to microbial
deterioration: Foods, Jet fuels, paper, paints, textiles and leather, metals etc. Factors
favouring deterioration of materials. Major microbial groups involved in deterioration.
Impact of processing and new technologies on biodeterioration. Biodeterioration Control.
Introductory Virology
General characteristics of plant, animal and bacterial viruses; viral replication, spread and
cytopathic effects. Virus classification, purification and assay. Regulation of lytic
development and maintenance of the lysogenic state in bacteriophages lambda, P2 and 14
single stranded DNA and RNA phageviroids as pathogens
Soil Microbiology
The characteristics of soil environment; microbial flora and fauna of soil; microbial
activities in soil; Nitrogen cycle, mineral transformation by micro-organisms. Ecological
relationship among soil pathogens. Effect of pesticides on soil micro-organisms.
Biodegradation and biofuels generation. Microbiology of the rhizosphere.
Microbial Ecology
Microbes and ecological theory. Physiological, morphological and genetic adaptations of
micro-organisms to their environment. Microbial interactions; micro-organisms in natural
ecosystems. The life of micro-organisms in air, springs, rivers, lakes and seas. Cycling of
elements in water and sediments.
Bacterial Diversity
The morphology, life cycle and biochemical characteristics of bacteria. Systematic study
of bacteria and other prokaryotes, their nature, characteristics, identification and isolation.
Food Microbiology
The distribution, role and significance of micro-organisms in food; intrinsic and extrinsic
parameters of foods that affect microbial growth, food spoilage and food borne diseases.
Micro-organism. Indices of food sanitary growth and food microbiology standards.
Disease of animal transmittable to man via food products.
Industrial Attachment I
Students will be posted to industrial establishments such as food processing, brewing, etc.
Basic Techniques in Microbiology
Culturing of micro-organisms; preparation of media for microbial growth. Isolation of
pure culture; streaking, pour plates etc; subculturing procedures. Staining techniques for
differentiation of micro-organisms. Enumeration of micro-organisms, direct and indirect
procedures. Identification of micro-organisms to include colonial and cellular morphology
and biochemical procedures.
Introductory Microbiology
History of the Science of Microbiology. Sterilization and disinfection; Structure, ecology
and reproduction of representative microbial genera. Cultivation of micro-organisms.
Isolation of micro-organisms; isolation of bacteria, viruses.
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